La Noire de...
“Back in Dakar they must be saying: ‘Diouana is happy in France. She has a good life.’ For me, France is the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and my bedroom.” This harrowing quote is recognized by the main character, Diouana, and to ears of viewers as a complete lie. La Noire de … is the first African film that made a notable impact on European and North American audiences back in the late 1960's. This landmark film was directed by Ousmane Sembène and was loosely based off of the true story of a young African girl who was hired by a similar French couple during this time [ Hoffman, 2016 ] . La Noire de … directly translates to Black Girl in English which is how I will be referring to the film from now on. I found Black Girl to be extremely hard to follow due to the following reasons: 1. there were a multitude of flashbacks alternating back and forth from the time when Diouana was first hired as a caretaker for the children and back to present time where s...